Winter Break is Going to Break Me

What do you do when it is only day two of a two week winter break and the kids are already driving you crazy?  Wait.  Do weekends count as days during winter break?  I think they should so let me start again.

What do you do when it is only day four of a two week winter break and the kids are already driving you crazy?  I know what I should have done.  I should have dug out the bottle of Pimm’s from the back of our fridge, mixed up some lemonade, poured myself a tall drink and sat in front of the fireplace, eyes closed pretending the heat I was feeling was from the summer sun.  Instead we did this.

Todays craft

We started this very cool, albeit time consuming, project months ago and I was feeling rather smug about getting such a head start on it.  Surely they would be done well before Christmas.  Ok, well maybe not.  The crafty part is pretty much done.  I just need to figure out the best way to put them together, hole punch the top and send them off in the mail to two unsuspecting Grandmas (incase you actually counted the number of each page, we made a third to keep for ourselves.  I mean, really, how could I not keep a copy for myself?)

Jan Feb Mar

Apr May Jun

Oct Nov Dec

I came across this website at about this time last year.  I loved the idea but had run out of time to make it happen.  I bookmarked the site in my favorites and actually remembered it for this year (hooray for me!!)  Check it out of you want to see how a really and truly crafty mom does it.  All the pages we did were from her list of ideas except for the month of July.  I really thought that July should have the American flag on it so we gave it a try.


Not too shabby if you ask me.

About Shoes

I am an elementary school teacher, a former microbiologist, a mom to a herd of two boys, and a grilled cheese sandwich and beer connoisseur.
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14 Responses to Winter Break is Going to Break Me

  1. Beth says:

    Very cute! I like how you did the flag for July.

  2. muddledmom says:

    I love this! My daughter did something similar in preschool and I couldn’t bring myself to use it. I still have it. She was so proud. Tiny handprints are a definite keepsake.

  3. Nancy says:

    What a great idea! But thanks for telling us it’s time consuming. I appreciate that 😉

    • shoes says:

      My boys are not into crafts too much so more than two at a time was really pushing their attention span. We did five today by breaking it into mini sessons. I love the results and know the Grandmas will too.

  4. Hetterbell says:

    These are really cute! What a lovely idea for presents for Grandmas. I understand you wanting to keep one, too. 🙂

  5. Barbara @ Just Another Manic Mommy says:

    phenomenal…oh you crafty people impress me!

  6. Mary Ann says:

    The Grandmas are going to love it, and you were smart to make one for yourself!

  7. shoes says:

    Thank you, I think they will love it too. I could not imagine going to all the effort and making such sweet keepsakes without having an extra to keep for ourselves. 🙂

  8. cestarr says:

    We always made wrapping paper this way for Christmas when our three kids were little. So much fun! Messy. Crazy. But a wonderful memory and a precious gift, especially for the grandparents. I’m so glad I saved some now that my kids’ feet are almost the size of mine. How did that happen?

    • shoes says:

      Having the boys make Christmas wrapping paper would be a fun project too! I will have to remember that for next year. It is pretty amazing how quickly they grow up; I am glad we made an extra handprint/footprint calendar to keep for ourselves.

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