And Who am I?

I am a former microbiologist turned stay at home mom to a small herd of two boys, turned elementary school teacher.  I grew up in the Pacific Northwest but moved to the desert of Arizona where I spent ten years.  It is here where I earned my BS in Microbiology and met my husband.  We moved back to the Pacific Northwest for eleven years, where we had our two children and I earned my Masters of Art in Education.  We recently moved back to Arizona.  What can I say, we have the desert in our souls.

In 2006 we had our first son, Cody.  Life tends to get a bit more complicated once children enter into it.  Our road got a few extra bumps and turns than the average parents as Cody was born very early at 26 weeks (2 lbs 1 and 1/2 oz).  He suffered a brain hemorrhage that required him to have a VP shunt and may be the reason behind his mild cerebral palsy.  He has had several seizures but so far is not on any medication for them.  We have been told by Neurodevelopment specialists at Children’s Hospital that we are “lucky”.  Cody just plain rocks.  He is great.

In 2008 we had our second son, Carter.  Also born early, at 31 weeks and some change (4 lbs 4 oz) he flew through the NICU and was home in less that 3 weeks.  For the next year and a half he wrecked havoc on everyone’s sleep, being colicky and refusing to sleep for more that a couple of hours at a time.  We joked that we wished the Gypsies would come and take him.  Sometimes it was not a joke.  He has rounded a corner and sleeps – life looks way better when you are not sleep deprived.  Carter is an awesome little boy.    He is energy.  He is full speed ahead all.the.time.

And that is the short version of what makes us, well, us.

Care to drop me a line?  Go ahead.  I would love to hear from you!

72 Responses to And Who am I?

  1. feet says:

    Love the shoes, shoes!

  2. Wow so where in the dessert did you live? I was blessed to get to live in Bullhead City my last year in arizona(note this sentence is dripping with sarcasm) I read a few of your posts can’t wait to read more!

    • shoes says:

      I was in Phoenix about 10 minutes from Sky Harbor – not the best of neighborhoods but close to just about everything. I do miss a good carnicerias… I try to be good at posting but sometimes real life gets in the way. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Kindergarten Angst | Shoes On The Wrong Feet

  4. Thanks so much for passing by my blog and hitting me a like! Your stuff is way cool as well. Keep it up. I have a speciall needs child myself and understand all too well some of the stuff you must go through and all of mine were also preemies. Good luck and best wishes for the future!

    • shoes says:

      Thank you! I am constantly amazed at how resilient preemies are. Cody is above and beyond what I ever dreamed he could be back in his isolette days and I have friends who have preemies that are running around like they never were so fragile. I enjoyed reading your posts and will be looking for more.

  5. Thank you for reading my blog send me a like! As you may have noticed I’m new at this, so any comments will be more than welcome.

    I especially enjoyed your Thankful blog. It reminded me of a few things that I take for granted every single day.

  6. Hi Shoes!

    I love your image above, very cute! My little ones are now 16 & 20; how that happened, I have no idea! 🙂 Anyway, thanks for your visit and “like.” and I’m following your journey now! 🙂

    • shoes says:

      Wonderful – hope you enjoy the ride. 🙂 And, no, I don’t know how that happened. I think that when you have kids you fall into some sort of time vortex where time accelerates.

  7. Mona Lisa says:

    Thank you so much for your entertaining blog! I’ve nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger Award. You can check it out here – Happy New Year!

    • shoes says:

      Oh, I am so glad you find my blog entertaining! It means a lot to me. Thank you for the award and for the shout out on your blog. I will have to get to work writing up a post and passing the blogging love along. Thank you, again!

  8. jenniferhinders says:

    Lover your blog,cute pictures…great categories. Keep it up!

    • shoes says:

      Thank you and I am glad you like it. I have found blogging to be such great fun.

      • marieandtheappletree says:

        I have taken similar fence photos, our grass is going wild too! Im not a microbiologist but have studies some of it for my Env. Health degree. I had a 36 week baby, totally different category to what your going through. We live on a small farm in Australia. Such a healing environment. Take care, thanks for the photos, M.

        • shoes says:

          Thanks for the comment! I love looking at simple things in a different or closer way and sometimes I actually get lucky and get a good picture of it too. I often feel so removed from nature and the land. Going back to my parents house, my childhood home, and seeing the original land where we grew vegetables and where fences were strung to keep the cattle in helps me to capture a piece of the richness I so miss. When my life settles down a bit I will be sure to pop over and see your blog – it seems we have a bit in common. 🙂

  9. Mish says:

    My little guy (now aged 6) had a brain bleed as an infant and also has mild cerebral palsy, speech difficulties, and learning delays. He also has the odd seizure and takes some preventative meds. He is also completely awesome as I’m sure you will understand what I mean. I’m very happy to have found your blog. 🙂

    • shoes says:

      Ahh – I sure do know what you mean about your son and how awesome he is. Those little babies that have had a tough start in life can do and be some serious amazing stuff. It sounds as though we have some pretty big things in common – I will enjoy perusing your blog a bit more. I am glad we have run across each other!

      • Mish says:

        Sorry for the late reply – the whole household has been battling the flu. 😦 Yes it seems we do have lots in common and I am enjoying your posts. Hope you and yours are all well. 🙂

  10. Thank you for reading and liking my blog (Toddler, running with wolves) … I really enjoy your writing style too and your picture on top with the shoes is very clever :).

    • shoes says:

      I enjoyed your blog too and could totally relate to the “it is still sleepy time” trying to get just a little bit more sleep morning wake up from a toddler. Thank you for your kind comment.

  11. Thanks for dropping by and liking me. It always gives the warm and fuzzies. I have to mention, that we have that same rug (in your header photo with the shoes). We must be kindred somehow…
    I enjoyed perusing your articles. I will stop by again. 🙂

    • shoes says:

      Your post about giving up the living room to the kids was a funny one! I often wish we had an extra room to convert into a playroom but I think that even if we did the toys would still end up strewn around all corners of the house anyway.
      We have good taste in throw rugs, you and I! 🙂

  12. Gems says:

    Similar stories, but my first, NICU baby (wanted to come out at 24 weeks but we held on longer) was left with mild asthma not CP. Second, also early, was fine but got leukemia! Kids are wonderful but they give us the runaround in so many ways. Now my oldest is hitting double digits and I can see an attitude shift..scariest of all!!!

    • shoes says:

      Oh boy, the attitude of the double digits! They certainly keep us on our toes. When they are young, especially if they came early, there is a laundry list of worries that usually fade over into a new set of worries with time. Perspective, I tell myself, it is all about perspective. I am glad your son beat his leukemia, I can not imagine the struggle him and your family went through with that. And while asthma can be scary, it is better that what could have been with a NICU baby. I often wonder about the NICU babies Cody shared his first couple months with.

  13. christine says:

    Hi there! I just returned the favor… I gave you the Versatile Blogger award. Which you’ve probably gotten ten times already. Nonetheless, keep doing what you do! I love it!

  14. sahbinahvioletflynn says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post “The Easter Bunny Wears Pink Running Shoes…” Your boys are so lucky to have a mom who’s a microbiologist (so cool). It’s evident they are a blessing (love abounds even in difficulties)!

    • shoes says:

      You are welcome – the title caught my eye – I love the idea of having a family tradition Easter hike. Add an adult Easter egg hunt to the mix and what fun! 🙂
      Glad you stopped by and left a comment.

  15. Great blog, great about section. I love it here! Can’t wait to read more 🙂

    • shoes says:

      Thanks! My blog topics tend to wander from place to place with my kiddos ending up in most posts. Glad you like it and thanks for the comment.

  16. 26 and 21 years ago I had premature boys-one at 29 weeks and 2 pounds 51/2 ounces, the other at 31 weeks and 3 pounds 5 ounces. One is a rock god and basketball player, the other is over 6 feet tall and a college student. But, boy was is scary at first. I feel for you–and I wish you the very very best–God love our kids.

    • shoes says:

      Thank you for your comment. It is so good for me to hear these stories of not only survival but of thriving. It was very scary at first and now I am mostly in the great worrying stage. Children are very resilient, preemies especially so. 🙂

  17. Hi Shoes! I really enjoy reading your blog. I am glad to have found it. That’s why I am nominating you for The Sisterhood of the World Blogger Awards.

    If you care to participate, this is the link: Congrats! Strawberryindigo. 🙂

    • shoes says:

      Oh my, why thank you!!! It is always so nice to be given an award from a fellow blogger. I will pop over and check it out soon. Thank you for the award and thank you so very much for reading. It means a lot to me to hear that you enjoy it.

  18. jensine says:

    can I just say i love your photo at the top … too cute

  19. One of the best pieces of advice I was given when I was pregnant with twins was that when in the middle of the night and I feel the urge to throw them out of the window to know that that feeling is normal. She was a mom of two boys, staying at home, had a phd and most importantly of all was a spectacular mother. I have heard her voice in my head many times. Happy you finally got some sleep. Ours took 3 1/2 years to BOTH sleep through the night. I have enjoyed checking out your site and I am going to try and say the word blog more often. 😉

  20. Shalvika P says:

    I love your blog, Shoes! I’m so glad I found it 😀

  21. Shoes, thank you for stopping by my blog and liking. I look forward to listening to your stories about family and other aspects of lif.

    Take care,


  22. I just nominated you for blogging awards! Love your blog. Check here for the details:

    Sisterhood of the World Blogger’s Award

  23. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Like Cody, I also have cerebral palsy.

  24. Hey there, shoes…I may be retarded, because I can’t find your email on the blog. Send it to me and I’ll send you The Ants’ Hall Dance!

    • shoes says:

      You are so not retarded and I am over the moon that you remembered that I was interested in your Ants story! I have not gotten around to creating a new page or tabby thing to click on with my contact information. I sent you an email eariler tonight but my email address is 🙂

      If one of these days my Maverick Mouse stories becomes more than just a storytelling at random times to my children thing and I actually write one of them down, I will be sure to send one your way. Oh, and if you were wondering Maverick decided to move out of his people house mousehole and into some adjoining mushrooms in Mushroom Meadow where he has ample room to park his too fast purple car that he uses on all his adventures. Hehehe – too much fun.

  25. Brother Jon says:

    Hello!! Thank you so much for my Festivus gift. (It was perfect) I feel bad cause I didn’t even try to figure out who it could be (and I would have failed anyway it looks) I’m looking forward to reading up you site. Merry Christmas! (Or Happy Holidays!….which ever you prefer.)

    • shoes says:

      Hi there Brother Jon – I a so glad you liked your “gift”. Don’t feel too bad about not making a guess, I did not either and wouldn’t of had a chance of getting it right anyway. What a turn out the Festivus party was! Hope you enjoy poking around my blog.

      May you have a wonderful holiday season and a safe and happy New Year.

  26. This is the first blog I’ve read so far that belongs to the mother of a preemie. My son is a 24 weeker and the reason I began my blog. I look forward to reading more… so far I’m loving it!!

    • shoes says:

      Hello and welcome, I am glad you found me! I don’t write much about my experience as being a mother of a preemie but I can tell you that it has changed who I am and how I view the world. The NICU and the world of preemies was not something I gave much thought to until I found myself in it. I wish I had been blogging back then through that scary and sometimes hopeless period in my life.
      I hope your little one is doing wonderfully and that you are taking care of yourself as it is so important. I will try to pop in and check out your blog soon.

      Unfortunately you found my blog while I have had to dial my blogging way back. I am heading back to college to get my Master’s in Education so life is much more busy than normal. I hope you stick around, check out the old stuff, and be patient for the new posts.

  27. Lovely about page. I look forward to reading more of your great posts. I like the name of your blog:-)

  28. The professor is full speed ahead as well!

  29. mamalisa4 says:

    So happy to have stumbled upon your blog!!

    • shoes says:

      Well I am glad you did for it allowed me to find yours as well! How, may I ask, did you find me? I am always curious about how people come across my site.

      Welcome to Shoes on the Wrong Feet. 🙂

  30. mamalisa4 says:

    I think a did a search on the tag “moms” or maybe “kids” ! 🙂

  31. ~~ emzlee :) says:

    Hello, Shoes. I really love reading your posts. You have an adorable family. I like your blog. Therefore, I nominated you for The Sunshine Blogger Award which you can check out here … You might want to participate. 🙂
    You’re not compelled to do it. That’s not a problem. This is just for fun to connect with other bloggers.

    Keep blogging! Love & blessings.

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